Thursday, January 4, 2018

Create your own World

Guess what?Your mouth can be your most valuable asset or your own worst enemy. Check this out. We were made in His image. That does NOT only pertain to what our eyes can see. We were created to be like our Father. We are to be imitators of our Father like dear children. (Ephesians 5:1) In Genesis God displays the power of words as He created the world. What kind of world are you creating with your words? We have a tendency to forget that we have that power. Just yesterday I was venting, so much was going wrong. It took a while but the spirit within, His Holy Spirit reminded me , "Is that really what I want?" Of course not. I had fallen into that trap but God reminded me to imitate our Father and speak what I want into being...speak things that are not as though they are! The singer said you have to know when to hold'em, know when to fold'em but I say you have to know what words to say and what NOT to say! It is also vital to know when to engage in Spiritual Warfare and when to "Let Go and let God." It is important to realize that the enemy cannot understand your prayer language. That is a privilege that we have been given and God DOES understand. He understands and commands our angels to work in our behalf. We put them into action by the words of our mouth. Can you imagine? You quote a verse or make a positive affirmation and your angels get ready to take action in your behalf but then in the next moment you revert to complaining about what you don't have or what is not to your liking and in that moment, you have halted your angel and your angel (neither he nor she) stops, because your words have stopped him. We all do it...but we all have to be reminded from time to time that we live a another kingdom not of this earth and we have to behave as citizens of the Kingdom to live better lives here on earth. (more to come)

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